Thursday, October 25, 2018

The First and Second Self - Imam Tariq Ansaar Aquil

Zawjah: That Which Makes The Other Complete - Imam Tariq Ansaar Aquil

The Importance of Before - Imam Tariq Ansaar Aquil - June 18, 2014

How is your Memory - Imam Tariq Ansaar Aquil - Khutbah

There is a Place - By Tariq Ansaar Aquil

THERE IS A PLACE where the only points of orientation are your moral center. Up is above your head and down is under your feet. Your heart is the compass and Truth is the magnetic North upon which it is fixed.

What was relevant evaporates and around you appear to be a vast void at times.  Here, all previous experiences are exposed as mere existence in comparison because this is the place where life begins.

The Journey that has brought you here is unique in that most Journeys merely change sights and sounds. This Journey has been re-creating your values, your desires your perceptions and conceptions. The Journey is organic and has been changing you from the inside outward. Once here you can no more return to your former mind set than Nicademus could re-enter his Mother’s womb.

There is a parallel of sorts in the human body. In the brain is the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). No blood can pass through this area of the brain, only one substance is allowed to enter and pass through and that is sugar. Although the head makes up only one seventh of the total body area seventy-five percent of all the sugar that enters the body is taken by the brain for its use.
The brain takes the sweetest substance for itself. The Blood Brain Barrier forbids the entry of gross matter or any lesser substance. Where you are Now, This Place is like the Blood Brain Barrier, but here the only thing that can travel through is All-Embracing Pure Love.

THERE IS A PLACE, where the roles of many things are reversed or non-existent. Here Love is the Leader and the Intellect follows. Love is the Motivator and Truth is the Activator. The searchlight of Intellect is the tool used by Love to identify, evaluate, dissect, extract. Love selects the objects and issues, and then turns the searchlight of the intellect upon those issues to illuminate and perform its role.

THERE IS A PLACE where we all must become bilingual. Language here looses reference to the grosser applications and takes on loftier meanings. Here Love and Truth can be Interchangeable.

THERE IS A PLACE, where there is no male or female, there is only that which identifies Truth and that which nurtures it. Husband is the function that extrudes and ferrets out the essential potential of our being and wife is a landscape which nourishes and supports its realization.

THERE IS A PLACE, where Love is the purpose that Motivates the Journey and thereby brings into our view Truth which is the fruit of our search and leads to our personal Peace!

Loneliness is a by-product of the Journey because you travel away from what appeared to be stability, certainty; what was comfortable and known. As you travel people, places, previous goals and relationships change. Sometime radically and others change suddenly. Your Throne is transformed and the transfiguration compels submission to the Truth of this new reality.  You have travelled away from those things that validated the previous state of mind; you have travelled to a new awareness, you have arrived at A New Reality.

To eliminate loneliness one must change what previously brought them comfort, Happiness and joy.  No easy task! The New Purpose, The Journey to Please your Lord Exclusively, must become your constant companion. Your joy must be each newly identifiable Truth and its ability to further fuel your Journey.

IN THIS PLACE, this knowledge must remain paramount: You are being propelled by the Creator of everything with the Power of His Love, which He Has Implanted in us as a Motivator toward Truth. This is the salvation and Liberator of our true self, (The Soul) from the decoration and tapestry of life, a tapestry that many have confused with life itself.

To pursue anything less than this Journey is to fail to rise to your God Given potential and the reason for your very existence.  Remember, The Creator of the Universe, Created it out of Truth. By doing so, Truth to varying degrees exist in all things in this Universe.

IN THIS PLACE, we must be like the thrifty shopper, being selective in where we shop and what we buy. Some knowledge is rich in nutrients; some is simply fattening allowing us to appear wise in Intellect, yet being without: muscle or bone. Some knowledge is like junk food having no real nutritional value, being unable to feed our appetite for truth or quench our thirst for Pure Love.

The purest sustenance to dine on is the Word of God. No matter how much further you feel you have to travel on this path and  in this place, at some point as you reach up you must reach out to others who are seeking what you now know resides IN THIS PLACE!

Share what is manageable for them from what you have received, have no fear of excess. Like water filling a glass, when they are full the rest will simply run off and return to its source. One can only receive and retain what is relevant to where they are in their personal Journey. But, by sharing you are compelled to Conceptualize, Actualize and Vocalize, what have only been feelings and swirling trains of thought. Remember, in helping others you too are helped, A Truth on Earth and in Heaven.

MSA West Conference 2015: Retracting Our Roots Pt.1 - Imam Tariq Aquil

The Social Application of Wudu - Imam Tariq Ansaar Aquil

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Tariq Ansaar Aquil

Few people have ever seen a BLACK ROSE. It is very rare and somewhat Mysterious. The BLACK ROSE is found in the hot desert and high mountain areas. It is often mistaken for other flowers because it is nearly always closed into a bud form, instead of the open appearance normally associated with Roses.

The BLACK ROSE grows in such harsh climate that it only opens its petals at night. The desert sun is so harsh on the BLACK ROSE, and the water that it needs is so scarce that it has adapted itself and learned to exist on very little water and to use its meager resources very carefully. A fortunate scientist happened upon a BLACK ROSE once. Instead of plucking the BLACK ROSE, he let it live.
He observed it over a period of time. What he learned was that once the harsh heat of the sun was no longer beating upon the petals of the BLACK ROSE, and the cool night air played upon it. The soft Petals of the BLACK ROSE opened and at last its full beauty could be seen. As it slowly unfurled its petals the scientist witnessed what caused this wonderful and mysterious flower to be so sought after and to be considered so precious.

The BLACK ROSE, is one of the most Magnificent Flowers on Earth. When the morning came the scientist observed that as the sun rose and the heat began to increase the BLACK ROSE, began to close it's petals and take on the dust colored appearance that would hide it's beauty for another day. So taken was the man by the magic of the Black Rose that he began to slowly stroke the dusty looking petals of the BLACK ROSE.
To his surprise the petals began to open even in the daylight. He used his body to shield the flower from the direct Sunlight until the Sun began to decline. For many women the lifestyle in their homes, work place, and society is like the desert. The woman is treated with such harshness that her situation is very much like that of the BLACK ROSE. The woman has been forced to close herself into a tight ball with regard to her personality and true emotions.The Black Rose has been forced to exist and make herself happy with a diet of little or no real love, Support, or moral strength from outside of herself. Much like their desert counterparts, many women the world over live in a hot desert with the debilitating heat of sexist employers, condescending male co-workers and the general "why don't they stay in their place" mentality that permeates global society. The woman’s ability to survive all of this an yet present herself as model of beauty testifies to her strength and has made her still the much sought after object of males of every race and Nation. It is only at night when the harshness of society and its imposed pressures are at bay, that the woman feels free to remove her dusty armor, cast off the stern face look, and open up showing her true tenderness and beauty. At the rising of the morning light she is forced to return to being Super Mom, Chief Problem Solver or some other imaginary creature that lives to serve mans ego and has no real need for personal satisfaction. By Sun rise all her beauty and tenderness has been covered with the mask of the BLACK ROSE, in its desert habitat. But every now and then a real man (not just a male) comes along. One that has patience and the desire to understand what he sees. One that has the strength of wisdom to carefully apply tender, soothing care and he discovers the beauty of the BLACK ROSE! Even in the harsh world that we live in the woman can and will blossom in the hands of the right man. One that knows how to say the right words that stroke the petals properly and for that most fortunate man the petals will unfurl and he will have the rare opportunity to see within his life The BLACK ROSE. She will open under the worst conditions in the worst times with the right person and show the real personal beauty that she possesses. Just as we have two eyes, yet our focus is one.
And we have two ears, but hear as with one, and as we have two legs yet cannot make progress in any direction unless both legs work as one in one direction, so too must we have the esoteric and exoteric the material and the spiritual. Balance! With that Balance we will see more BLACK ROSES, come into the light of the day.

Writing On The Wall - By Tariq Ansaar Aquil

Some angels don’t fly – Some martyrs don’t die
Some dreamers, they never sleep – some dry eyes cry.

Some folks are believers in nothing at all
Some blind men see very clearly the writing on the wall.

Sometimes there’s no time to do what we do
And if we’re not careful some lies will come true.

No man is as tall as the buildings they build
No hole is as deep as a dream unfilled.

The future we’re facing was built yesterday
And in the blink of an eye this will all pass away.

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