Monday, March 1, 2010


We witness that there is no God but Allah and we are indeed witnesses that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, [saw] born in Arabia over 1430 years is the last Prophet and Allah’s Messenger.

Allah Says in our Holy book, “Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).” Surah 17.32
When some of the Meccan’s fled to Medinah, the Prophet (saw) was directed by Allah to examine them, take an oath from them. “O Prophet! Take the oath of fealty to thee, that they will not commit adultery (or fornication)”, Surah 60:12.
We are told that if we complete Ramadan correctly – having the right mind and with submission to what pleases Allah, our sins will be forgiven. Then many sin again. After every prayer where the Muslim asked Allah to forgive their sins and Allah, He who hears and Forgives repeatedly accepts the prayer, then people sin again. The Qur’an speaks of a people that are addicted to sin. Contemporary language would call them Sin Junkies. People in need a sin fix daily. (Nafs-e-Ammâra)

Our desire, our objective, our goal should be to reduce error in our life. After receiving the Mercy of Allah and His Forgiveness, our goal should be to... GO AND SIN NO MORE!In scripture, the Book of John verses 8:2 – John 8:11. A word picture is given with Jesus (as) and it says a woman was brought to him after being caught in adultery. The people asked him what should be done with her. The reading goes on to say, when he had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers?
Woman where is your (Nafs-e-Lawwâma). Hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus (as) said unto her, neither do I condemn thee: GO, AND SIN NO MORE!(Nafs-e Mutma'innah)

The picture here is of a woman “caught” in adultery. What is the Scripture speaking of? Just about male and female relationships? Surely that is important – but what is higher than our relationship with each other? Is it not our relationship with G-d? So what is adultery? After committing to be in a monogamous relationship that we call Tauheed.After saying that there is no one that we give our whole self to, that we surrender to, that we obey - after entering into that relationship, Adultery is entering into a relationship with or taking into ones inner self or Soul – something against or foreign to the relationship that person has entered into with G-d. That is really the higher concern. Is this not a more serious concern for the life of the human being? After willingly entering into submission to Allah then to let our hearts, minds, desires wonder off after strange relationships with enemies of our proper relationship isn’t that adultery.

Allah Says in The Qur’an, speaking about the one in subordinate position that they should guard what they know should be guarded in the absence of the one to whom they have made a commitment. Although Allah is always present, but in the absence of our ability to perceive His presence – we are told even under those circumstances under that condition still remain steadfast in your fidelity, your trust – stay faithful to Allah – even though we cannot see Him in all his majesty. We must not sell our heart and souls for a “quickie.” For a one-night stand – just to have an affair with our weakness.
We are encouraged to be faithful and not go down the road of adultery, which opens the door to even greater sins? What about the fornicator? This is the person, who may not have acknowledged their duty to enter into Shahaddah [into a proper relationship of servant to the Master – although they have not entered into the marriage vows due to their ignoring their natural inclination, Allah Says in Qur’an every soul has been created with the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. So the person that is associating others with G-d’s Authority – the person that is letting false worship into the sacred relationship – even thought they have not acknowledged a formal relationship they are fornicating - and adultery and fornication are both sins so if we have spiritually, emotionally, mentally committed these sins after today let us … GO, AND SIN NO MORE!

1 comment:

  1. Great title to this blog, I must say. Al Hamdulillah! This was a powerful read and I am ever so glad and grateful that I was directed to it. Subhan'Allah! Definitely words to reflect by of our daily behaviours. I sit here, and as I ponder the message given, I cannot help but to ask myself, because of these thought provoking words... have I, am I, honoring my relationship with The Most High? Could I be, in a sense, committing adultery against Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and the vows I took within my shahada? The mere inclination to anwser in the affirmative leaves me all but downtrodden, to even suspect, that I maybe a willing culprit in my very own demise...ASTAFIRULLAH! I will do well to take heed to these powerful words, for I know and understand, that all things happen for a reason. Excellent post! Allahu akbar! Jazak'Allah khair, Imam Ansaar. I'm glad to have had the chance to meet you. =)
